Wienerschnitzel Partners with the McGrath Family to Benefit Be the Match
Wienerschnitzel, the world’s largest Hot Dog chain, has partnered with the McGrath family and their efforts to raise awareness for the Be the Match organization, the largest and most diverse bone marrow registry in the world. Rhowan and Bergen McGrath, the daughters of legendary motocross champion Jeremy McGrath, started selling homemade lemonade at their father’s races to help raise money for the bone marrow organization after their mother, Kim, was diagnosed with leukemia and in need of a bone marrow transport. This diagnosis came only two years after Kim beat breast cancer. Wienerschnitzel has and will continue to supply the McGrath Lemonade Stand with hot dogs for sale at each Lucas Oil off-road race event throughout the 2015 race season. The company will also match funds raised up to $1,500 to benefit the organization.
“We are honored to partner with the McGrath family to help raise awareness and funds for this meaningful cause,” said Wienerschnitzel’s Chief Visionary Officer, J.R. Galardi. “As a family owned and operated brand, we are inspired by Rhowan and Bergen, who have decided to make a positive impact in their communities and fight for something they believe in at such an early age.”
Additionally, Wienerschnitzel will support the McGrath family by sponsoring the truck driven by 10-year-old Rhowan in the Junior 2 Trophy Truck class of racing. Throughout the family’s philanthropic journey, they have hosted 40 marrow drives that have resulted in over 4,000 new Be the Match members and 17 lifesaving matches. The simple donor registration process consists of filling out a few forms and completing a quick cheek swab that can lead to saving lives. To find your nearest bone marrow drive, visit Be the Match.
“I feel blessed to not only have the support of my precious family, but to also have our efforts backed by such a well-respected brand as Wienerschnitzel,” said Kim McGrath, whose life was saved by a bone marrow transplant in 2012. “I am confident this partnership will aid in our mission to communicate the simplicity and selflessness of becoming a bone marrow registrant.”
To view the heartfelt video that captures Kim McGrath meeting the donor who saved her life, visit this link.
About Be The Match:
Be The Match relies on our support to collect contributions from people like us so that it can further its mission: Recruiting and supporting potential donors: To connect patients with donors, Be The Match manages the largest and most diverse donor registry — nearly 8 million marrow donors and nearly 100,000 cord blood units. Donors can turn to their Donor Advocacy Program for support throughout the donation process. Supporting patients: To help patients access treatment, Be The Match offers financial support and educational resources. Educating doctors: Referring physicians can turn to, Be The Match for information about transplant advances, caring for transplant patients and the importance of timely referral for transplant. Advancing science: Be The Match’s research programs have advanced the science of bone marrow and cord blood transplant, from better matching the right donor to the right patient for improving post-transplant treatment. For more information, visit www.bethematch.org